Our Stories
Thank you 2018 Summer Students!
This summer, with the generous help of the Federal Government’s 2018 Canada Summer Jobs funding, CEDA’s Community Schools program was...
Welcome Back, Pathways Students!
We hope you all had a great summer and that your first week of school is off to a good...
Grade 12 Info Night
Calling all Grade 12 students of CEDA Pathways! We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming information sessions. We'll...
Our 2017 - 2018 Peer Helpers
One of the most important pillars of the CEDA Pathways to Education program is mentorship. Not only do we encourage...
A New Home for CEDA in 2018!
In early 2018, CEDA is moving to the new Merchants Corner at 541 Selkirk Avenue! Starting after the upcoming winter...
Welcome to our New CEDA Website!
We’ve partnered with the talented team at Vincent Design to create a new CEDA website that is easy to navigate...